Patient information

BCG vaccine for TB

        The Bacillus Calmette–Guérin (BCG) vaccine is used to prevent tuberculosis (TB). The BCG vaccine is named after Dr Albert Calmette and Dr Camille Guerin, who developed the vaccine from a germ called Mycobacterium bovis, which is similar to TB. BCG is a live vaccine that has been processed so that it is not harmful to humans.


What does the BCG vaccine do?

The BCG vaccine does not prevent someone being infected with the bacteria that causes TB, but it prevents the development of the disease. It is specifically designed to prevent TB in children. It is very effective in preventing severe TB in young infants, and can be given from birth on


How is it given?

  •  The BCG vaccine is given by an injection just under the skin, usually on the upper left arm.
  •  Sometimes, a test may need to be done before receiving the BCG vaccine. If there is a chance your child has already been infected with TB, the doctor will arrange for a TB skin test (Mantoux test).
  • If the skin test is positive (that is, your child may have previously been infected with TB) the BCG vaccine should not be given. If the skin test is negative, your child will be able to receive the BCG vaccine.


Who should get the BCG vaccine?

  •  Children, particularly those under five years of age, who are travelling to countries with a high rate of TB infections.
  •  Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander babies in areas where there is a high incidence of TB.
  • Babies whose parents and/or carers have TB.


What to expect after the BCG vaccination

Reactions to vaccines (also called vaccine side effects) sometimes occur. The usual reaction to BCG vaccination is redness and/or a small lump at the injection site, followed by a small ulcer (an open sore) a few weeks later. The ulcer is usually less than a centimetre in diameter, and may last from a few weeks to a few months before healing to a small, flat scar.


Key points to remember

  • The BCG vaccine prevents the development of TB, and is very effective in preventing severe TB in young infants.
  • Your child may have an ulcer at the injection site for up to a few months.
  • Seek medical assistance if your child has a severe reaction at the injection site, or swelling/tenderness in their armpit.

Antenatal Care

Our practice provides high standard of care for pregnancy.
Prenatal is care that starts before you become pregnant since pregnancy can have lifelong impact on you and your baby. We have GPs that will help you in this very special journey, giving you all the information that’s relevant for well-being of you and your baby.
Contact our GPs when you commence planning this important milestone in your lives. We discuss the model of care that is offered by the local hospitals.
We offers:
• Pre conception counselling and information.
• Shared Antenatal care
• Post-natal care
• Immunisations essential for you and your partner/husband prior to your delivery.
• Immunisations for the baby.
Two main models of Antenatal care are present.

Shared Antenatal care: This is care “Shared” between the hospital and the GP (only the Shared care affiliated GPs including Dr Sabina Amin and Dr Summerea Munir).

Most women have uncomplicated pregnancies, so generally they will have between eight and ten antenatal appointments during the course of pregnancy. In Shared care model, most of appointments are held in General Practice.

Referral gets faxed to the local hospital BY the Shared care affiliate doctor only. Shared care gives you flexibility of appointments times, we are open seven days a week, from 8am to 8pm.

Team Maternity care: This is care offered by the local hospitals (Werribee Mercy Hospital and Sunshine Hospital). The eight to ten Antenatal appointments are all carried out at the hospital mostly by midwives, few by the obstetricians (Specialists). Referral get faxed to the local hospital by any GP in the practice.

Throughout your pregnancy we will carry relevant examinations and tests that are relevant for the best outcome of pregnancy.


Menopause is defined as complete cessation of periods for 12 consecutive months. Typically, menopause happens between the ages 45 to 55years, average age is 51 years.

It does not happen abruptly but gradually over course of several years, between 5-10, this period is called peri-menopause. In peri menopause the hormone levels are fluctuating.

Symptoms can vary from being related to changes in menstrual cycle, vasomotor symptoms (hot flushes, night sweats, emotional changes, urinary urgency, vaginal dryness).

Post menopause is also significant phase in woman’s life, even though the menopausal symptoms may have reduced but there is risk for other health conditions due to lack of hormones, such as heart disease and Osteoporosis. Hormone therapy and lifestyle changes can reduce these risks.

Treatment of menopause can be hormonal or non-hormonal depending upon how early it sets in and also it is affecting your quality of life.

Recently our practice participated in a Patient Feedback Survey using VoP (Insync) which provided vital information to our team on the qualityof service we provide to our patients.


“Everything ran on time”-

Sometimes delays can occur due to emergencies and other circumstances beyond our control, however we do our best to minimise our waiting times. As a result, we will now contact patients ahead of theirappointment times if long wait times are expected to exceed 30 minutes. We will continue providing estimated waiting times to patients on arrival and explain any delays to patients. Consultations may run late due to too many issues being addressed, therefore in consideration of others, consultation will be limited to one-two issues only. Furthermore,
certain GPs have also blocked slots in their appointment books to allow catch ups for any delays that have occurred during the day, to help alleviate the waiting times. Finally, automated reminder SMS will now be sent to all patients booked in, and for those who are not able to attend will be given the option to cancel the appointment at their convenience, providing the clinic ample time to fill that appointment slot.

“I am able to see a doctor quickly when I need to”-

We will continue having extra emergency appointments for each of the doctors throughout the day to accommodate our patients. Also depending on the urgency some phone calls will be transferred to the nurse to handle urgent requests from patients.

“It is easy to make an appointment for a day and time that suits me”-

To help patients with the booking availability they can use the online Health Engine app where they can book from the comfort of their homes which will allow more flexibility for patients to manage their own
appointments. We have a waiting list notification system so cancelled appointments can be filled, and more patients can be accommodated if required.

We registered in My Medicare – now you can too.

Boardwalk Health Medical and Skin Centre has joined thousands of healthcare providers across Australia in registering in My Medicare, a new voluntary registration system what will help us formalise the relationship between us and our patients.

My Medicare allows you to nominate a general practice and general practitioner as your regular healthcare provider. When you register in My Medicare, extra funding from the Australian Government becomes available to support our practice to provide more of the targeted care you need.

Patients who register with our practice in My Medicare may benefit from:
-Longer MBS-funded telephone consultations
-Longer bulk billed telehealth consultations for children under 16 and commonwealth concession card holders at the new triple bulk billing rate.

Formalising the patient-practice relationship, like with My Medicare, has been shown to improve health and wellbeing, and that is why we are inviting all of our regular patients to register in My Medicare.

If you have a valid Medicare card or Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) Veteran card and have had two face-to-face consultations with us in the last 24 months, you are eligible for My Medicare.

Registration is easy. To register as a My Medicare patient, you can:
-fill out a paper registration form at our practice
-complete the registration process in your Medicare Online Account

Ask about My Medicare the next time you talk to us.
-For more information visit